Businessmen at Mbulumbuzi Market in Chiradzulu District in the Southern part of Malawi expressed concern about lack of Halaal certified places in the district despite the district bordering with Blantyre City. The businessmen said they were shocked to learn that there is no Halaal Department Certified Businesses in the District.
The shock came during the workshop which officials from the Halaal Department conducted early July, 2019. HD explained that its introduction of District Halaal committees was aimed at that the committee must sensitizes the people about Halaal in their respective districts.
If the businessmen’s complaint was to be true, then the committee members are to be blamed for it. They do not do their job as required.
HD explained that for the Halaal Department to deliver its services perfectly at district level, it depends on district committees whose responsibility is to organize and to put in place Halaal systems of sensitizing, slaughtering and monitoring on behalf of HD.
HD explained that for a business to qualify for Halaal certification, the business must first meet HD requirements as follows: Proper building/ a room intended for business purposes only, the production must take place at the same business place, the products must constantly come from Halaal recognised sources only.
On fees, HD explained that its charges are solely aimed at meeting administrative costs and in no way aimed at profits. Halaal Department objective is a service and not a business. HD explained that when preparing the rates for Halaal Department Certification, serious consideration is given on the impact of the consumer and the applied business’s financial position. Hence the rates are reasonable and fair, while the Halaal certificates benefit far outweigh the costs which can hardly be considered as a burden to a business. HD said that the current minimum rate is K10,000.00 per annum. HD assured the businessmen that Halaal Certificate is an additional value added to their Businesses, whether be it small, medium or multinational company.
The workshop was attended by representatives from Veterinary Department of Agriculture, the Police, Market Masters, Businessmen, Butchermen and slaughterers from markets around Chiradzulu District; these are: Tomas, PIM, Masanjala, Ndunde, Njuli, Chiradzulu Boma, Chiradzulu Hospital, Khonjeni and Namadzi.
During the workshop HD distributed literatures called Halaal Briefs and Halaal Booklet. The publications crowded with plenty of useful information regarding HD and Halaal Certified places.
HD conducted same workshops in Mangochi at Monkey-Bay and in Mwanza District Southern part of Malawi.