The Halaal Department would like to inform all Muslims and the general public that the following establishment have been certified Halaal from 1st October 2020 are entitled to use HD Signage.
- Meatco Restaurant and Butchery – Mai Aisha Complex (Blantyre).
- R.K Catering Services – Must Campus (Thyolo)
Food Manufacture:
- Restoration – Along Churchil Road near Illovo (Limbe)
- Central Poultry Ltd – Bus Stand (Blantyre)
Meat Processor:
- Zik Wat Butchery – Chinyonga (Limbe)
Market Butchery:
- Daud Butchery – Nkand Trading Center (Mulanje)
Beef Abattoir:
- Safwan Abattoir & Butchery – Mudi (Limbe)