Muslim Association of Malawi’s (MAM) Regional Chairman for the Central Sheikh Ibrahim Machakwani on 25th February 2022 handed over a Butchery facility to Ntcheu Town Assembly. The facility was constructed by Halaal Department of the Muslim Association of Malawi.
Speaking during the handover ceremony, Sheikh Machakwani said that Halaal consumption to Muslims is not an option but a must. Therefore, the construction of the shelter will help among others to: Lessen congestion that was there before in the market especially in the Butchery side where there was one shelter for selling both Halaal and non Halaal meat. Easily identification and distinguish of their preferred meat choice for the consumers and Business fraternity. The shelter shall remove the fear of meat contamination between Halaal and non Halaal meat as well as stamp purity assurance on Ntcheu meat products. Hence removing confusion in consumers’ minds.
The Regional Chairman who was representing the National Chairman of MAM extended his gratitude to Ntcheu District Assembly and all Butchermen for accepting to have the distinction. He said that Ntcheu people were more understanding and respecting religious values one of it being Halaal which he believed will be inspiring and enlightening to respecting coexistence of the differences in denominations.
On his closing remarks Sheikh Machakwani shared with the audience an inspiring verse from the Quran Surah Al-Baqarah verse 195, in which Allah says, “And do good, indeed Allah loves the doers of good”. So, he urged the users of the facility to take care of it, as their own. He said that the facility will not only being just Halaal, but also being beneficial to the environment and the society at large by being clean and smart. He asked the audience to demonstrate that at Ntcheu District. Sheikh Machokwani further said that in order to maintain good hygiene he said MAM has donated a borehole to be dug nearby the facility whose project will start within the week. The donated borehole was among one of 14 boreholes that MAM was drilling in the district.
While receiving the Butchery facility Mr. Idrisi Gausi on behalf of the District Commissioner (DC) of Ntcheu District said that the DC was happy to receive the facility and assured MAM that it will be taken care of. He applauded Halaal Department of the Muslim Association of Malawi for taking part in helping social development in the District. He said that the shelter will not only help Muslims but also others who love Halaal consumption and good food around the area. The facility was the first of its kind to be construct by HD whose project cost was over 3.4 million kwacha.
Other stakeholders present were MAM’s district committee members, Halaal Department National Coordinator Sheikh Abdulmajid Chibwe, fellow HD Staff and Ntcheu Halaal Department District Committee members. The chief of the area who is Chief Eneya and other chiefs surrounding Ntcheu District Council, the Ward Councillor Mr. Jumbe Mambo Chairman of an NGO called Keep Ntcheu Clean the Chairman of Butchermen Committee and other distinguished Sheikhs were also in attendance.